Online Support System
Aside from the Quality Management System, Arctic Shipping Corporation also promotes an Online Support System.
Here's a list of the things covered in the Online Support System:
• Recruitment - This is applicable when a seafarer applies or sends his application form/resume to our company e-mail address ( We ensure that every seafarer who wishes to join our fleet will receive a feedback and will be entertained; provided however, that he meets the company's requirements and qualifications.
You can view the requirements and qualifications here.
• Office Support - This is applicable to those who are on-board (Our vessels are currently equipped with computer(s) for online/e-mail communications). Officers, Person/Officer-In-Charge who are authorized to use the computer (in the vessel) can send a report to our office if ever they encounter problems/errors and they need help in troubleshooting the computer. These reports are then forwarded and are checked by the company's I.T. Department for further analysis of the problem/error. Once a report have been forwarded to them, they will immediately try to communicate with the Ship's Officer, Officer-in-Charge, or whoever is authorized to help them troubleshoot their computer.
Also, the Master/Officer/Officer-in-Charge can request installers and/or updates of an Anti-Virus Software and/or Anti-Malware Software that they want to use or they are currently using; as long as it is possible and available.
(Disclaimer: We do not own any Anti-Virus and/or Anti-Malware Software(s). We only rely on third-party Anti-Virus and/or Anti-Malware Software(s) which is created and introduced by a different owner, organization, entity. We are not related or affiliated, in any way, to any third-party company(-ies) who make these Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware Software(s).